"The Oxygen of Amplification: Better Practices for Reporting on Extremists, Antagonists, and Manipulators Online draws on in-depth interviews by scholar #WhitneyPhillips to showcase how news media was hijacked from 2016 to 2018 to amplify the messages of hate groups."
"...extremely candid comments from mainstream journalists, the report provides a snapshot of an industry caught between the pressure to deliver page views, the impulse to cover manipulators and “trolls,” and the disgust ... of accidentally propagating extremist ideology."
"After reviewing common methods of “information laundering” of radical and racist messages through the press, Phillips uses journalists’ own words to propose a set of editorial “better practices” intended to reduce manipulation and harm."
"As social and digital media are leveraged to reconfigure the information landscape...requires journalists to take what they know about abuses of power and media manipulation in traditional information ecosystems; and apply and adapt that knowledge to networked actors,.."
"...such as wh*te n*tionalist networks online."
"By articulating exactly what is at stake, and
exactly how the institution of journalism has facilitated the spread of bad information,
meaningful interventions are possible."
"These interventions won’t solve the underlying problems, particularly those related to the global rise of far-right extremism.They can, however, stymie the hijacking, rerouting, & weaponization of the news media against the news media—and against all global citizens of goodwill"
"They can also create a bit more
space for the kinds of deep-dive cultural inquiries necessary to understanding exactly how we got here, and where we need to go next."
Also read alongside the @coe
Council of Europe’s “Information Disorder” report (by @firstdraftnews' @cward1e
and @h0d3r, 2017) on mis-, dis-, and mal-information.

Full report downloadable via: https://www.coe.int/en/web/freedom-expression/information-disorder
P.S The Oxygen of Amplification report is in 3 parts - check them all out including & especially the tips for reporters.
Also relevant to wider community, especially those grappling with family members who have gone down the c*nspiracy theory rabbit hole and not re-emerged intact
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