The election was fraudulent. Yet, not one governmental body, empowered to stop a fraudulent election, has done so; not state and federal courts; not state legislatures; not VP Pence; not congress; and to date, not President Trump, though time remains to act. A fraudulent election
is unconstitutional; it is a lie; it is evil; an abomination. Government sanction of a fraudulent election is a sin against God. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." [John Adams]
The only element that can destroy America is moral corruption. Our representative republic cannot stand absent moral integrity. Similar to the time of Abraham Lincoln, the preservation of the Constitution now rest with the chief executive, the President and Commander in Chief.
As a citizen, I do not know whether the President will, or will not, act. As all relevant governmental bodies should have, he should act to uphold the Constitution, given the fraudulent election. He took an oath, to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United
States." God is sovereign; and remains in control of everything, at all times; no exceptions. I will, and encourage you, to continue to pray for this nation, for the wisdom and strength of @POTUS, subject to the will of God. Amen ~
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