Having a talk with some queer friends about gay people having to code switch around straight men, and it’s reaaaaally sad to think about how minorities at large try to verbally hide who they are within academia. Embracing their cultural lexicon would be considered unprofessional
I don’t know if this tweet makes sense but this is where I am this Sunday afternoon
Like.. makes me sad that immigrants feel like they need to mask an accent, black/brown people to not use their vernacular, gays to sound masc, trans folks to sound more like their gender, rural folx to hide their accents/be eloquent. Trying to only speak from what I’ve seen/known
Just because something is not common in a professional setting does not mean it does not belong or is unprofessional. Perhaps classism, xenophobia, and homophobia/transphobia just kept these people out of the professional realm for so long that it makes you uncomfortable. Too bad
When I think of professionalism I think of two categories:

1) things you obviously shouldn’t be doing, like workplace sexual harassment. Yet somehow this has been allowed to slide a lot

2) conforming to the cishet white environment. Feels VERY enforced, usually subconsciously.
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