An exit from the EU, an end to freedom of movement, repatriation of regulatory decision making, return of trade policy, and an end to supranational supervision of our institutions. How am I doing so far?
Also to build our own independent capacity for managing external relationships and foreign policy, widening multilateral particpation, pulling back from common EU defence ambitions, and to rethink our internal economic policies.
Also as a yank on the leash of a feral British political class that expresses its euroscepticism in opposition, but signs up to further integration in office without consultation or consent - thereby provoking a wider discussion about the state of our politics and constitution.
And as icing on the cake, it absolutely horrifies and enrages shallow, materialistic, intellectually indolent celebrities, performers and "comedians" - which is almost reason enough in its own right.
As to post-Brexit relations with the EU, I didn't know exactly what I was voting for (nobody could), being that it was something for parliament to decide. A parliament which was given plenty of opportunity to express itself and in the end vehemently opposed the softer options.
The reason for this being that parliament thought it knew better than the people and was determined to overthrow their verdict and do the opposite of what was instructed, which pretty much underscores the necessity of leaving - if only as a check on their power.
Did I want to destroy our exports? Not really. But our decision to quit the single market was heavily influenced by the insistence that all four freedoms must apply, whereby an ultimatum was issued – you can have trade or immigration control – but not both.
Thus we were held hostage to decisions made by the Blair administration without our consent - and the EU wasn't even prepared to negotiate on that matter. Even if you favour FoM, if you support decisions of such magnitude being taken without a public debate, you ain't no democrat
So though you'd like to blame Brexiteers exclusively, our present predicament is the cumulative consequences of a gaping democratic deficit both in the UK and at the EU level - which is fundamentally the beef leavers have with Westminster AND Brussels.
And this is the bit where you demand a list of "tangible benefits" - which is always interesting that the benefits have to be qualified with "tangible". Concepts such as democracy, sovereingty and consent carry no currency with remainer celebs. It all has to be material.
As it happens, I was willing to gamble our relative economic and political stability to address these structural inadequacies in our democracy, and though I regret the circumstances, I do not regret the decision even for a nanosecond.
To have played it safe would be to simply resign ourselves to the gradual and inexorable decline of national democracy and our transformation into a regional supplicant of a technocratic empire where there is no legal distinction between citizen and visitor.
So yes, thanks, @MitchBenn, I did know exactly what I was voting for and why, and I didn't have to be especially daring to say so. I will continue to speak proudly as a leaver. Please stop being such a whiny little bitch.
That a task creates such major upheaval is not a good enough reason not to do it. Ripping up rotten decking from the back garden is a hassle but if you don't do it, you create a habitat for rats and other vermin.
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