Reflecting on my career in tech, it’s clear that my happiness *and* frustration are primarily driven by the people I work with.

So, here’s my attempt to articulate the qualities I look for in teammates going forward…

I’ve always admired curious people.

They’re open to experimentation and new ideas, an important quality for those building something novel and meaningful.

“If you’re going to work, work” – my dad

Hard-working people create energy. They follow through with their commitments and take pride in making progress.
Low Ego

Stubborn egos can introduce distractions, or much worse.

Humble people tend to put the company’s mission above themselves.
TL;DR: I hope to work with curious, hard-working, low ego, and highly ethical people.

Many of you will have different views on this, and that’s good.

These values define your company’s culture and a variety of work cultures is net positive.
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