TW // Abuse + Rape (mention only)
I wanted to make something a little more helpful with what’s all going on so here’s a little more information into abusers and abuse.
Abusers always come off as the kind charismatic people on the outside. They are the last people you would suspect. They are the kind of people you’d let watch your children or go to a movie with. You never truly know the other side.
Especially when you are online and it’s someone you have never even met, but even then it still goes without notice in person. 20 people per minute are physically and this is just physically abused by their romantic partner.
1 in 4 woman experience physical violence with an intimate partner. 1 in 7 woman have been injured by a partner. And 1 in 10 woman are raped by a romantic partner. There are more than 20,000 calls to domestic violence hotlines each day. This is minus quarantine too
where it has amplified. Never ever put abuse past a person. Anyone you know could be getting abused. Listen for the love of god always listen to the victim. I don’t care if the abuser is freaking god. Listen to the victim.
Especially if the victim or someone the victim knows comes out about their abuse. They are so so strong having that courage, especially if their abuser is well liked or popular. Don’t push them into talking about it. Ever. If this is happening to you, you are not alone.
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