By opening up to 65+, with no extra supply & no guidance for hospitals/clinics on how to sub-prioritize, MN increased the likelihood that #COVID19 will continue to deepen the racial, health & economic inequities we see in MN.
This is directly the opposite of what the data has shown us about #COVID19’s impact thus far.

CMMS has released data snapshots about the impact in the Medicare (65+)population. Not only do we see the same racial disparities but those on #Medicaid & Medicare are faring MUCH worse
We don’t have the doses to put everyone >65 & essential workers like teachers, daycare providers at the front of the #CovidVaccine line.

Failing to provide equitable sub-prioritization guidelines that can be practically carried out will exacerbate our state’s shameful inequities
I’ve advocated for using #Medicaid enrollment/eligibility as a sub-priority category in 65+ & essential workers given what we know about the impact of #Covid on our communities. I also support the use of other safety net eligibility programs like CCAP & FRPL to help prioritize.
These aren’t perfect. If you aren’t eligible bc of citizenship or resident status or unaware of your eligibility you will still get left behind

But we must start somewhere while continuing to work on how we can reach all who are highest risk AND have been hit hardest by #COVID19
1st come/1st serve ensures more non-wealthy, non-white Minnesotans are left behind

It‘ll be difficult to communicate to a million 65+ Minnesotans that not all are at the front of the line after Thursday’s announcement but if we are committed to equity AND speed, it is necessary
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