I want to take some time this morning to be grateful & to share my sincere thanks with many across this nation.

Without all of the women & men who braved the cold & contagion to stand in lines to vote- sometimes for hours, without all of the brave election workers,
without all of the people who informed everyone else about the dire need to exercise the franchise, despite every attempt by this administration to suppress our votes - from mail infrastructure disassembly & closing voting sites to attempts to deregister voters -
we might not have had the overwhelming votes for Joe Biden (or at the least millions more votes against Donald Trump), which ultimately led to Trump's ejection from office.
I want to thank the people of all states who voted for Joe Biden & want to additionally single out 5 states which the people flipped to oust Trump- PA, MI, WI, AZ, & GA. You prove that past is not always prologue, and that our destiny is not fated, but which is ours to determine.
I want to thank GA additionally, for voting to flip the US Senate. By flipping 2 perennially R seats to D, this very difficult feat allows President Biden to confirm his nominees. It allows a new Majority Leader Shumer to determine the rules, such as hear & seeing evidence during
a late, but necessary impeachment of Donald Trump; it also allows for all manner of bills to finally be brought before committees & the floor for the simple but necessary act of up or down votes, which has been denied by McConnell for years.
I say all of this because without an overwhelming Biden victory in both total votes and number of states flipped, I shiver at the thought of how the events of the last few weeks would have unfolded.
Because Biden won, the weight of history and of the federal government- from the Dept of Justice to the Dept of Defense- will now forever rest upon the insurrectionists & will press unendingly upon the apparatus Trump installed to overthrow the state.
They will not be able to hide their misdeeds nor will they be allowed to rest without the constant worry that their sedition will be discovered & laid bare for all to see, with Trump chief among them.
By having an administration not run by Trump enablers & apologists, historians will have the freedom to chronicle the tumult of our time for future Americans to learn from & to avoid. That history would have certainly been imperiled had Trump won in 2020.
Without a Biden victory, imagine the bloodshed which would have occurred if a march in Washington had occurred in the weeks following the election. A DoJ & increasingly militarized police forces across the country cracking down on protests
with the full backing of a newly re-elected, emboldened and empowered Trump who would not need to temper his authority & bloodlust due to the fear of another election. The nation would likely have been wracked with violence, which would make the summer of 2020 pale by comparison.
Imagine the broken morale of all the well-meaning people, who embrace our democratic traditions in the DoJ, DoD or Dept of State, having to decide if they could continue to protect their nation, knowing their next bosses would increasingly be pro-Trump henchmen in total control.
That we have avoided an authoritarian abyss is almost unimaginable, but thankfully never came to pass.
It is with these thoughts that I write this thread.

I am grateful to a weary nation for making possible the inauguration of Joe Biden in 3 days, on Jan 20, 2021, for the sake of our country & for the sake of 7 billion people on this planet & their future generations.
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