Communicating with GOD

Is it possible?

And why can’t you hear God speaking to you?

(Part 1)

3 key points to consider before you start communicating with The Almighty:

- Your free will
- Your language limitations
- Your lack of knowledge about Him
1. Your free will

God cannot send you a DM or get on a Zoom call with you


Because that would FORCE you to praise Him

He doesn’t want that

He wants you to search for Him & then fall in love with Him out of your own free will

That is why He’s “hiding” from you
As irritating as this hide-and-seek may seem

It’s incredible and... fun

If God just spoke to us directly, we would essentially be His slaves – what’s fun about that?
2. Your language limitations

Ludwig Wittgenstein’s:

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world”

Implies there are limits to what can be said

Not everything that happens can be *efficiently* put into words
Think about it this way:

When was the last time you described what’s happening within you to another person?

With every meander & detail?

Not only would it take hours (if not days), but more importantly, the listener would STILL likely misunderstand you
“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”

And that’s the exact idea God follows

He remains seemingly silent

Because He knows that our human communication is often misleading

And CERTAINLY not sufficient enough to cover all His godly truths
So, is there NO chance of speaking with Him directly?

There is, but you shouldn’t count on that

It’s called an apparition

And that leads us to the third point
3. Your lack of knowledge about Him

God could speak to you this very second if He wanted

But He won’t unless He knows that:

- You won’t go cuckoo afterward
- You won’t fall into pride
- You will listen

That’s why all apparitions happen only to deeply religious people
Now that we know why godly communication isn’t as simple as dialing 333 777 333, let’s look at what we CAN do

… in part 2 of this thread

If you want to see the 2nd part, please:

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Thanks for reading & Have a blessed week!
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