
"It is not fake news for you to broadcast that this is the greatest nation in the history of the world and the greatest nation that civilization has ever known," @SecPompeo said to @VOANews journalists on his Jan. 11 visit to our HQ.

“I’m not saying this to ignore our faults. Indeed, just the opposite – it is to acknowledge them,” Pompeo said.

But in his remarks & Q&A w/ Robert Reilly, @VOANews dir. recently aptd by @USAGMgov CEO Michael Pack, no mention of Capitol riots/ false stolen elex narrative.

Because I wanted to hold @SecPompeo to his words, I followed him and shouted 2 questions: what are you doing to restore US reputation around the world & do you regret saying there will be a 2nd Trump administration. He ignored me. He has yet to address these issues.

Given the chance, these are the qs I wanted to ask @SecPompeo
1. W/ time you have left in ofc, what are u doing to restore U.S. reputation? What do u tell diplomats to say to ppl who believe U.S. no longer has moral standing to lecture countries on democracy & rule of law?


2. Do you, @SecPompeo regret saying there will be a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration"? Do you take personal responsibility for contributing to the false narrative that the election was stolen, that has led to this turmoil?

I never intended to be the poster child for press freedom. Nevertheless, I'm grateful that what happened has brought focus on the threat against @voanews journalistic independence and integrity.

We at @voanews are journalists with a mandate to tell America's story to the world. We can only do that if we continue to hold power to account in current and future administrations.

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