1. FF7 ended with Cloud stating that he can find Aerith in the promised land. In the follow-up Novel “A way to a smile”, it's apparent that Cloud isn’t forthcoming to Tifa with everything he’s doing or his motives. Differently than the game, the novel isn’t from his pov. #clerith
2. This way, the reader can follow Cloud from other pov’s which means, based on the game, we won’t get a complete picture of what he's doing or why he's doing something. From T we know he keeps a lot of things to himself, but T thinks she still is informed. #clerith
3. C started a delivery service and is for several days,not at home,driving around. The reason for this decision becomes clear at the end of the movie AC when we get a glimpse into his room. Several pictures of landscapes,newspaper snippets are seen surrounding his table #clerith
4. This indicates that C kept true to his words from FF7 ending, his desire to find the promised land. His decision to start a delivery service is connected to that. All that he didn't share with anyone, here and there are clues from several PoV’s. #clerith
5. Throughout these two years, Cloud searched for the promised land until he got sick. That's the moment, when he isn’t just moving to the church but also considers to give up altogether. #clerith
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