In a new niche with no case studies or testimonials.

You'll want to read this 👇👇


This is not a guide.

I am not a guru or a coach.

This is my journey and how I did it.

But I'll include actionable advice at the end.

And this will help you skip YEARS of learning.

Let's get started 👇

This was easy (for me)

I knew how to run FB ads.

And I knew how to generate leads.

I wanted 75% margins.

So I priced it at a $2k monthly retainer.

Not too much, not too little.

Client pays the ad spend.

Took me 5 minutes.

I did not take the ordinary route.

I chose the dental niche.

For very specific reasons:

1) Shit ton of dentists in the US
2) Sells high ticket services
3) Can be advertised easily
4) They have money
5) Huge pain because of COVID
Here's the best part.

I knew a guy who ran a dental practice.

So I made a deal with him.

I will run ads for him for free.

In exchange, he becomes my referral partner.

Anytime I have a prospect on the fence, I refer it to him.

He also gave me a video testimonial.

BOOM!!! 💥
Are you loving this or what?

My goal is $50k/m by June 2021

But I needed to hit 10k first

And I planned to do it in 30 days.

Using organic outreach.

So I mapped out my numbers:

I knew it was going to be hard to get clients with one testimonial.

So I needed to create an offer.

One that will literally be dumb to say no to.

So I came up with this:

A minimum of 20 booked appointments in 30 days or we work for free til we hit that.

I joined every FB group for dentists.

I asked my referral partner 100 questions a day.

Most importantly, I studied my competitors.

I studied their offers.

Looked at their ads everyday.

Watched their testimonials.

Took note of their landing pages.
In 2 days of intensely studying all my competitors, I knew everything I needed to know.

But there was still one vital key missing.

I didn't know how to speak the language dentists speak.

And the only way I can do that is by talking with dentists.

And so the fun begins 👇👇

I didn't know which method was the best way to generate leads for dentists.

So I did all of them.

>> Mass cold emails
>> Facebook ads
>> Cold FB DMs
>> Cold IG DMs
>> Cold LinkedIn DMs
>> Cold Twitter DMs

Let's dive into the ones that worked


I bought 2 domains.

Scraped emails using D7leadfinder.

Connected the domains with Gsuite.

Used Lemlist to warm 1 domain for 3 days.

(I reccomend you warm your domain for 14 days btw)

Sent 50-100 emails a day

Landed my first client in 3 days.
You may be asking...

How did I do it so quick?

It's because I took massive fucking action.

I didnt take 2 weeks to set up.

I literally set everything up within 3 days and started sending.

Plus I had an irresistible offer.

And I knew how to sell.

More on this later.
Since I warmed my domain for 3 days, it stopped working.

So I started using the second one

I then landed my second client 5 days later.

My second domain also stopped working cuz i didnt warm it up enough.

But I didn't wait.

I started running Facebook ads with my cash flow.

This is advanced.

I already knew how to run FB ads.

You can learn it as well from Youtube.

Here's what I did 👇

>> I took the list of emails I scraped and uploaded it to Facebook as a custom audience.

Then I ran ads to that list.

Landed a client in 3 days.
I then landed my 2nd client from Facebook ads 14 days later.

In total, that's four clients.

Running Facebook ads to get clients needs to be it's own thread so I wont get too in depth.

This was tough.

I had a full time VA that was doing just this.

For the first 3 weeks, we didn't land ONE sales call.

It was looking bad.

But once again, I took massive action.

We changed our script every week.
On the fourth week, we found the script that worked.

Landed a client in 3 days in the final week.

That's 5 clients on a $2k retainer in 28 days.

Goal has been achieved.

Here's a thread on this 👇

Here is what most people don't teach.

In order for people to pay you for your service, you need to know how to sell.

Or else no one will pay you.

I sucked balls at selling.

But I learned.

Two books that leveled me up:
- Way of the Wolf
- Sell or be Sold
My sales process was a two-step process.

First I booked an intro call.

A simple 10-15 minute call to determine if the prospect was a good fit.

On this call, I do not talk about the system or price.

If they qualify, I booked them for the sales call.
On the sales call, I asked some more questions to dig into their pain.

Then I showed them a demo and I leveraged their pain through the entire demo to show why they need my service.

I then collected their credit card on the call.

Out of 9 sales calls, I closed 5.

I had an advantage.

I took all of 2020 to practice marketing, outreach, client management, and sales.

And that's how I did it so fast.

Each one of the steps I laid out is massively important.

I reccomend you tone down each step before u hit the next one.
First, find a service you can offer.

Then find a niche.

Then work out your numbers.

Then create an offer.

Then do market research.

Then start generating sales calls.

And then get better at sales as you do your sales calls.
Next steps: DONT SKIP THIS

If you need help in your journey, shoot me a DM.

I'll help as best as I can.

I'll release another thread on how you can do this with any service.

❤ Like and RT the first tweet if you found this helpful.
Want my exact SOPs, the email script I used to land a client in 3 days, phone call scripts, tracking sheet and more?

Sign up here and I'll send it over 👇 
You can follow @shanta_adhi.
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