So I've talk about application from a general overview. Having applied this notebook strategy for years....let's talk thru some of the specifics that really stand out to me and what I actively/specifically look to record.
Skilled drafters - Some owners are just better at scouting/analyzing college players than others. You need to know who those owners are before ur draft starts so ur able to maneuver & trade around those specific owners before they snipe your prized targets.
Which owner evaluates/values players just like you? Is there one owner in your league who seems to have the same exact draft board as you every single year? You need to be prepared so you can adjust accordingly.
Some dynasty owners are more comfortable w/analyzing and evaluating certain positions & that’s reflected in their drafting patterns. Also some league-mates have an appetite for trading for certain positions year after year and ignore using the draft to restock that position.
Which owners always draft “Best Player Available?”
There’s always a player or two in every league with the mental fortitude and process conviction to draft the best players available regardless of any extenuating circumstances, landing spots or hype.
Some dynasty folks see rookie picks as the life blood to building a successful dynasty. There are other owners, however, who prefer trading those picks for established players w/a proven track record at the NFL level. That info will serve you well when identifying trade partners
Landing spots/situation trumps talent for some. There are some league-mates who simply can’t seem to overcome the temptation to draft or trade for opportunity over talent. Again, identifying that tendency can work toward your advantage.
Again, I'm just throwing stuff out that I've found useful. I've gone into much more detail in some older articles at DLF (Dynasty League Football) when I was writing more frequently (5 or 6 years ago) if anyone is interested in digging thru the archives there.
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