Next week is my fifteenth year fundraising @NSPCC. Here’s a thread of some of my favourite moments.

Starting in 2008 obviously when @AmyESullivan taught me to ride a bike, so I could cycle a 65km fundraiser.

Little did we know we’d fall in love, marry, and have a family!
It’s 2009 and we launch a huge appeal to make sure Childline can reach the children not getting answered. I’m very lucky to work with @JohnCleese who is at the heart of the launch. To this day one of our longest serving supporters.
In 2010 I move to a role that will change everything. Joining @woods_rob as Fundraising Training Manager. I work with Rob and @gilespegram @kathabrahams @stevgeorg @pablito100001 and many others to inspire and train every member of fundraising. I become OBSESSED with stories.
Over the next three years @woods_rob and I spend hours intensively creating cutting edge courses. Transferring learning from @matthewsyed @chipheath @DweckCarol and many others. I learn more, more quickly than at any other time in my career. Even winning a training award 🏆.
We win seven million pound partnerships in six years. Including @MissHoyley and @PeterWanless smashing a last minute pitch for one of the best projects I’ve ever worked on:
One year later it’s another career highlight. Speaking at 2015 @SOFIIisHOT #IWITOT it’s when I meet @alwayscolour for the first time. Her (winning) speech makes me cry, she’s amazing.
I spend most of that year working with @MsClaireLilley and people across @O2 as we build something special keeping children safe online. We didn’t know how big it would turn out to be.  half a decade on, millions of families helped, 13 awards won.
It’s 2017 (and after four years of trying) we win @MorganStanley. I believe @MissHoyley chooses to record the moment we find out. A moment I’ll never forget. They help us build The Lighthouse, which begins to transform support for children who’ve been sexually abused.
On the theme of recorded calls. It’s the moment we took the call from @KPMG they’ve gone on to raise millions and help Childline when it’s needed it most.
Finally. I often think of the boy in this @BritTravAwrds speech. He’s about 26 now. These 5 mins sum up what it’s felt like to watch @NSPCC and our donors transform the lives of children these last fifteen years.

I am the luckiest man. Thank you @NSPCC.
You can follow @benswart.
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