Here’s the facts:

@mtgreenee’s district lagged in GOP turnout while she spread misinformation and lies about Georgia’s election system - which she still doesn’t seem to understand *she won on.*

Guarantee you she can’t explain anything about how it works.
Fact, Congresswoman @mtgreenee: No evidence of widespread fraud exists with Georgia’s absentee ballots.

Judges of every partisan stripe at every level have dismissed cases seeking to question the outcome.

Law enforcement found no substantive absentee fraud auditing Cobb Co.
Fact, Congresswoman @mtgreenee: your district had a lower early voting turnout than other parts of the state, and people we talked to cited messaging from you and the president as reasons they weren’t voting.
Another fact: Greene’s claims of a stolen election have no grounding in reality - and if it really was stolen she should never have been sworn into office under a fraudulent vote count.

The same voting equipment that verified she won her election verified Trump lost.
More facts: Dominion voting machines aren’t hooked up to the internet.

Rich McCormick lost because more people voted D than R in a rapidly diversifying district.

Perdue went to a runoff because of a third-party Libertarian candidate.
MORE facts: the state investigated all of these wild and crazy allegations of fraud, called in more resources to investigate more claims, defended more than a dozen suits, affidavits =/= truth...
Rep. Greene is pushing the same dangerous language and line of thinking that led people to violently storm the U.S. Capitol.

She has yet to show any sort of knowledge about the election system that put her in office, and little knowledge about how government works.
There are numbers and statistics that show that had people in @mtgreenee’s district voted more (and other GOP base districts), the race might be a whole lot different.
Why consistently point out Rep. Greene’s perennial trouble with the truth?

She’s a member of Congress in our coverage area that has taken a prominent role in undermining democracy at a dangerous time for our country, and is playing a role in shaping how the GOP is changing.
Twitter just iced out Marjorie Taylor Greene's main tweet in her thread of falsehoods with a flag that "this tweet can't be replied to, retweeted or liked due to a risk of violence." #gapol

The harder thing to do is find statements she puts out that are true, at this point.
They just did it again with a clip of her trying to run roughshod over a TV anchor with the same lies and misinfo.

A big way to combat this is to repeatedly forcefully point out her only purpose as a lawmaker is riling up the base with untrue statements that lead to violence.
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