1) How do you end up with 100 militias in the US? It begins with a few groups who had ties to the progenitor groups in the 1990s and formed their own in the Tea Party shindig in 2009. Let’s say there’s one in 2009 calling themselves the Liberty Patriot Militia. ⬇️
2) By 2011, there are clashes over leadership by two Napoleons within Liberty Patriot Militia. Infighting and factionalism occurs and so one Napoleon breaks away, takes supporters, and forms their own group calling themselves the New Patriot Militia. ⬇️
3) So in 2012, you have both the Liberty Patriot Militia and the New Patriot Militia. Factionalism occurs in both groups, more members splinter off and form new groups like a virus replicating itself. Now you have four or more groups. Meanwhile ⬇️
4) The FBI and BATF undercover agents in the original group are either stuck in the original or can’t decide which one to splinter off with. They are then reduced to nearly a role of cultural anthropologist. Meanwhile, more factions hive off and form more groups. ⬇️
5) So, by 2021, you could have around 10 groups who replicated from one original group. And since they were birthed by about ten 1990s militias, you have around 100 groups now. Many with friends among state and federal Republicans. Meaning ⬇️
6) These Republicans can funnel information to any one of these 100 groups, as well as quash investigations into them. And remember, the splinter factions continue to create themselves making even tracking them difficult. Or ascertaining which one is the biggest threat.
7) It’s basically the same model as ISIS; a “do-it-yourself” insurgency. These groups literally replicate like viruses. There are several areas in which they recruit members. And since they have members within police, they can grow virtually unseen and unchecked.
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