Prevalence of MD recommendations to improve diet, increase PA/exercise, and lose or control weight were low

Despite evidence re:exercise/diet interventions improving survivor outcomes. Why the gap?
1. Docs don’t know the evidence
2. Docs don’t have time
3. Docs don’t know HOW
What do we mean by this?
Yes, docs know that exercise are diet are good. But the specific need for an exercise prescription or actual dietary interventions are beyond what they can/want to tackle in detail and with the coaching needed to ACTIVATE behavior change.
So, what happens?
Well intentioned & v good docs make “recommendations” for diet and exercise for survivors.

Well, saying words doesn’t translate to ACTION.
- individualization
- motivation
- conditional understanding
Are all missing here.
Docs don’t have time to assess & prescribe exercise/diet
Docs aren’t health coaches

YES & YES, all true and all OK. But this means we have to take the next step of actively getting the patient in front of someone who can assess, prescribe, coach behaviors.
This is where the actionable strategy comes in:

Go beyond ‘recommend’. Actually send/refer/consult to a provider that can take action by engaging the patient.
When you write the prescription, state to the patient “I want you to go to...or I want you to see...” it is impactful
The other v subtle statement here of HUGE importance is this:
Dietary habits/PA and exercise levels/obesity rates in the cancer cohort was NOT DIFFERENT FROM THE GENERAL POPULATION.

The human being will behave like most human beings do after their cancer treatment.
This means that cancer treatment doesn’t magically result in people making sudden and dramatic changes in behavior to improve their health.

Why would we expect them to...unless we engage them and encourage them to.
What do we need to change this cycle?
Yes, this is hard. Harder than just saying words to a patient, harder than just handing them a piece of paper.

If we want to influence behaviors we have hard work to do. No short cuts, no excuses
If we want to effectively change the health of this population we need ACTION
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