As many educators are writing report cards in Ontario please remember that no caregiver or student wants to read about everything they have not or can not do, especially during a pandemic with forced emergency remote learning. Authentic asset-based language is key. 1/5
Think about your own privilege and how that impacts the comments you craft. Your beliefs about children come through loud and clear on report cards. They are an opportunity for strengths-based feedback, not an opportunity to shame or punish. 2/5
Compliance based comments have no place on report cards and show that conformity (to an oppressive colonial system) is your goal rather than seeing the joy and uniqueness that every child brings to your class. 3/5
As a parent I want to see evidence the educators know, understand, and love my child. I want to see that they are interested in his success and in acknowledging all of the complexities of his identity. 4/5
Fellow educators, what else should we add to this list? 5/5
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