5 Facts About Brain Productivity On The Way Making New 5,000 Friends on Twitter

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1. Neuroanatomy [The Human Brain]

Weighs 1.4 kg.
Contains 100 bn neurons.

Brain cells are connected via links “synapses”.

This place where the magic happens:

- speech
- memory
- emotion
- personality
- intelligence
- ability to feel and move

Use it or Lose it!
2. Neurophysiology [Stress & Health]

The study of neural connectivity.

In a world overloaded with information, stress is inevitable.

Brings to stress hormone “cortisol”, which leads to

- confusion
- memory loss
- lack of clarity
- state of restlesness

Adjust your habits!
3. Neuromarketing
[Consumer Behaviour]

Where marketing meets brain

Marketers push consumers’ “buy button”. Sales 🚀

All about capturing consumers’

- way they think | value | believe
- memories | fears | desires

Consumer behaviour is

- influential words | colors | images
4. Neuronal Polarity
[Complaining Habit]

Brain cells are flexible

Focus on negativity from evolution (hunting, danger)

Neurons that fire together, wire together


- damages brain
- cortisol elevation
- shrinks the problem-solving area

You can't blame your BRAIN!
5. Neuropsychology
[Meditation & Healing]

Brain is the most resilient in the body

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has become part of us

Most go delusional | Feel lost


- electrical activity in injured cells
- earthing of bad cells

Best cure for body is quite MIND!
Thanks for reading.

DM me if you have any questions about this.

This post is part of my e-book on brain productivity and mental health in the digital age coming soon.

Thank You for being here :)

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