This thread is about building, and:

- Changing plans
- Being authentic
- Just doing stuff

It's also about how and why I created @wordimagedesign.

Here's the journey so far including h/ts to people and tools.
▪️ Avoid idea 1

6 months ago I knew my job was to finish at the end of the year. I needed a plan.

I came up with a safe idea: digital marketing for non-profits.

That was fine but it didn't exactly set a fire in my belly. I also sensed I could do something more, so....
▪️ Don't look for overlap, look for uniqueness

I discovered @jackbutcher's work and one video in particular on 'the obvious problem' caught my attention.
▪️ What's my unobvious mix?

I looked at my skills/knowledge/interests:

- Writing
- Film
- Design
- Nonprofits
- Geopolitics
- Environment
- Photography

Not such an obvious mix: good. This gave me an idea....
▪️ Write your idea out, over and over

A new idea was forming and I started to plan using @Julian's excellent guides on growth marketing and writing (note: learning is still in process). 
▪️ Plan how you'll read, write and find ideas

For guides on writing and generating ideas, @david_perell eulogises about the power of writing, both professionally and personally.

Note taking in particular, I found, was v. important (more later). 
▪️ How to Tweet?

For Tweeting and online promotion, @mkobach's offers great, clear, no bullsh*t advice. Appreciated.
▪️ Find your aesthetic

Graphic design: I took @visualizevalue's design fundamentals course, and thanks to that discovered the wonderful @figmadesign (can't believe it's free).

For icons, @nounproject is the site for you.

For photos: @unsplash
▪️ Learning about learning - ideas (part 1)

I realised I needed a better system to:

- Retain ideas
- Connect ideas
- Generate new ideas

I needed to learn to learn again.

@anthilemoon offers tonnes of ideas in this area, sign-up to her newsletter! 
▪️ Put a system in place - Roam (part 1)

Back to note-taking: I discovered @RoamResearch.

This allowed me to:

- Bank ideas
- Plan my time
- Capture Tweets
- Easily use Kindle notes (both @readwiseio)
- Highlight articles ( @Instapaper)
- Take Podcasts notes ( @AirrAudio)
▪️ Put a system in place - Roam (part 2)

Roam Research has a pretty steep learning curve, but it's not as scary as it looks.

To get a good grounding I used @nateliason's Effortless Output in Roam course: 
▪️ And then, well, just start

I never felt 'ready' or comfortable. I set a hard deadline and I pushed myself to experiment.

Let's see where this goes! Thanks for reading.

For more:
You can follow @SimonNazer.
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