Interesting, that Navalnys quote the famous cult final saying from the most chauvinist and imperialist Russian movie “Brat 2”, the movie Putin absolutely loves to quote as well, as this movie calls to kill U.S. Americans and Ukrainians and proclaims Russians a superior nation.
The moment from the film:
And here is another moment, one Putin loves to quote. The protagonist robes the "morally spoiled" American business person who is involved in sex trafficking and porno production with minors from Russia (hallo, QAnon!) :
Putin quotes this dialogue amid his press conference:
Putin quotes it once again: "We are stronger than anyone. Because we are right. Russians are strong when they are right":
Here - a very moving scene. The protagonist's brother interrogates a Ukrainian, calls him "Banderite bastard" and finally kills with words: "you serpents will pay for Sevastopol!" (a Crimea's naval base):
In the movie, Ukrainian diaspora in Canada cooperates with U.S. American producers of porno films with Russian minors and tries to stop the protagonist from his vendetta.
And here is the full version of the movie with English subtiles. Amid Ukrainians and U.S. elites, other enemies of Russia portrayed in the movie: black Americans, Jews. The only one "friend" of Russia: an American redneck, "a normal guy like you and me".
I repeat: the movie had been produced in year 2000. It has forged, polished and made perfect all contemporary basics of Russian politics. And as Navalny demonstrates - is extremely important up to date! Those Western "experts" who used to ignore it, need to check their knowledge.
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