Honestly, as Black Americans, I don’t think we realize the extent to which we exhibit colonizing behaviors when we go to other places.

Maybe we’re so used to being oppressed at home that we think we’re immune to doing stupid things or maybe we feel like we should get slack.
There’s an obnoxious about Americans that we do carry with us when we travel and Black Americans are not immune. If you can bop around the globe you are pretty privileged in the global scheme of things and you should know that.
We treat places as if they’re our playground and focus on whether they’re to our satisfaction or not.

Describing a place in terms of whether it provides you luxury and encouraging people to participate in it is extractive behavior. Someone not rich has to provide you that luxury
Also, I’m very clear on the fact that I have and may in the future exhibit some of these behaviors. I’m not on a high moral ground here. I’m just very aware of the privilege I have and I try not to forget it and to be gracious when I have a chance to experience other places.
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