I reject the idea that a rich governor who can afford amazing healthcare - after a fake COVID test stunt, after causing thousands of deaths by reopening, after killing the Red Line, after profiting off of a memoir that equates the Baltimore Uprising to cancer - is ever apolitical https://twitter.com/ezdubbles/status/1350805637861679105
Hogan has, for years, prioritized profit over people. He has done so while promoting himself on TV as he himself botched a vaccine rollout. He misled Marylanders for months about COVID, including while having cancer. He’s not some shelter puppy & he’s never immune from criticism.
*He* doesn’t even depoliticize his experiences with cancer. He has frequently used his health as a means to lessen the blow of harmful policies. It’s very much part of his PR strategy & so is counting on folks setting all commentary aside while he undergoes treatment.
In my past work, I met many people who had to declare bankruptcy after being sued by hospitals following their own cancer treatments, because of policies Larry Hogan, who himself has had cancer but who can afford great insurance, promotes for profit. Health is not apolitical.
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