2) With so much to cover, we must move fast, even though we'll likely be at this for a while, this morning. The bottom line of her article is this. Trump controls the military operation that's taken over DC. All the soldiers are under his command.
3) My amazing gal @KateScopelliti tells me that 100s of arrests have already occurred and that some vast number, like 190,000 additional arrests are lined up. I don't know her source. I do know that her research is the best in the world, bar none.
5) Checkmate. Trump has the power to checkmate his opposition. Let's be clear on that point. And, what's more, he has emplaced all the forces necessary to execute his power, his obligation to a free and fair election. We must linger there.
6) Will he or won't he? That truly is the question. We'll return and follow J.E.'s points carefully. But she tells us in the end that Trump has the power. If he opts not to use it, that will be completely understandable. Wrong, but understandable.
9) How could this be truth? It's simple. No man is an island. All men are influenced by those around them. There is a term for this. It is "the low hanging fruit." When faced with difficulties, you take the easy way out. Whatever is the lowest hanging fruit, you pluck it.
10) The lowest hanging fruit for Trump right now is to walk away. The burden of the nation is too great for him to bear on his own personal shoulders any longer. He's lost enough. Now it's time to look out for himself. That is the temptation offered.
11) And consider the alternative. He will have to arrest 100s of thousands of traitors. He will have to impose martial law. He will be excoriated as America's first dictator. Political and judicial opposition will be everywhere. No man in American history will have faced such.
12) Here's a wonderful consideration of where we're at, where Trump is at:

13) Every man has his limits. And, when you surround yourself, as Trump absolutely has, with the wrong people, they are most likely to tap your greatest weaknesses and dampen your greatest strengths. If there's a single judgment I render against Trump it's his people choices.
14) So. let's get back to J.E.'s work now. Go slowly and contemplate what it means that the 25,000 or so troops that are in DC now are 100% under Trump's command. DC is not a state. It has no governor. Bowser is merely a mayor, and is thereby limited, greatly.
15) "The Secretary of the Army does not exercise operational command. Command of the troops, as mentioned, is to be exercised by the D.C Guard commander. And whom does the D.C. Guard commander report to?

The president."
16) Let's remember General McInerney and his 10 Commandments now. He tells us there is NO WAY to cure this election theft without martial law's imposition. Has Trump lined up the nation's forces to successfully impose this? That is the question.
17) While I've never coached President Trump directly, I have indirectly and I feel I know him, his decision-making process. He opens options. He leaves himself room to maneuver. He waits for perfect clarity. When he strikes, it is with 100% conviction. This is as Sun Tzu guides.
18) As I read J.E.'s work, here is what I see. Our President has laid down every single step necessary to take operational control of our nation, following a corrupt election. He is ready to execute upon his mandate to safeguard the Constitution. The burden is beyond awesome.
19) Due to the load of research you all hit me with, fie on you all!, I'm ready to take an early break in this late posting. When I return, we will follow J.E. religiously. And please, do NOT send me any of these powerful sources until later, after I finish!

Be back soon...
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