In a country with high unemployment, underemployment, and multidimensional poverty, business relationships are often power relationships.
Making personal demands of a service provider (e.g. to hear your faith) will therefore often be an exploitation of power, albeit unintentional
Always ask yourself "if this person weren't expecting business/money from me, would they tolerate this demand I'm making?"

This applies to more than just preaching, by the way. It's the same thing that happens with romantic advances.
The reason many people will understand this about sexual advances, but not about preaching, is because they genuinely believe that sharing their religion is for the other's own good.
For our society to function, believers must learn that this is not a universal opinion.
There are beliefs that someone else is sure it is in your absolute interest to hear, but you as a Christian have a right to say you don't want to hear them. Their certainty is irrelevant. So is yours when it comes to preaching your gospel to them.
And once you realise that preaching to people in those circumstances may trigger fake outward appearance of acceptance but an inner resentment and negative association of your gospel/God with "nuisance" and "force", you realize you're actually doing the opposite of evangelising.
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