As more women are arrested for involvement in Jan 6 insurrection, support of QAnon comes up again & again. It is a "movement" driven largely by white women that FBI labelled terrorist threat in 2019.

I wrote this about them: White Women Storm the Capitol
Marjorie Taylor Greene - one of the most dangerous people to ever be elected to the US Congress (and that's saying something) is a QAnon supporter, a white supremacist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic. Look how Elle article described her to see the fuckery white women get away with
If they were not white or certainly if they were Muslim, these women would be called fanatics, thus is privilege of whiteness.
White womanhood is privilege sweetened with an innocence & fragility that white women--liberal/conservative, Trump-voting/not--are adept at weaponizing.
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And this the face of white women's fascism. One of several faces but as she liked to boast, she is the first woman to successfully lead a US presidential campaign. New article soon
"Republican women" = white women
The white QAnon women of the insurrection
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