Turns out these “unprecedented times” are not without precedent.

Take the Wilmington 1898 Massacre—we weren’t taught this in my American history class.

So many echoes of Trump and his gang and why they must be held accountable. From the BBC news site: 1/11
“They faced no consequences”

A violent mob held a coup after they weren’t happy with an election result. 2/11
And it was effective. They managed to suppress the black vote and held on to power.

But it wasn’t a random rise up of angry white men, there were angrier white men that called them to action. The trumps of their day...3/11
There were “men who could speak”—good orators who called upon the “men who could ride” to arm. The 1898 speech reminds me of Giuliani’s “trial by Combat” speech before the trump mob moved on the capitol. 4/11
this is where we have to change the parallel... after their 1898 massacre, they reappropriated history calling it a race riot. The men who took part were glorified and statues were erected. In fact one of them stands, believe it or not, in the capitol the trump mob stormed...5/11
Meet Charles Aycock, one of the main inciters of the 1898 massacre.... 6/11
Aycock made hundreds of speeches in support of white supremacy and disenfranchising blacks... this quote is from one of many of his speeches...7/11
And so the white supremacist listened, and they organised. “Attention white men”.... 8/11
But here is the history presented, tidied up to agree with the modern white conscious. This is the statue of Aycock in the US Capitol, and the bio that goes with it from the architecture of the capitol website: 9/11
And here is a newspaper drawing depicting what they called as “race riots”. The caption was “black men firing handguns in street” Nov 1898. 10/11
But the reality was a massacre led by a white supremacist mob, incited by white supremacists who were good orators—men who we have statues of in the capitol.

And we wonder how January 6 2021 could have happened?

Stop the cycle, hold those who incite accountable. 11/11
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