Lawyers for Uyghur Rights Calls on Conservative MPs to Back Genocide Amendment

@Conservatives votes needed for Tuesday's historic vote to allow High Court to determine Genocide and prevent trade deals with Genocidal states.  #GenocideAmendment (thread)
(2) Lawyers for Uyghur Rights, deeply concerned about abuse and unlawful detention of the Uyghur population of has circulated an urgent letter to every Conservative politician and association urging them to support key amendment to Trade Bill to be debated on 19/1/21.
(3) The Genocide Amendment a HoL cross-party initiative is designed to prevent the UK from signing preferential trade deals with states committing genocide. Tabled by LordForsyth, @DavidAltonHL, Baroness Kennedy, sponsored in the Commons by @Nus_Ghani @MPIainDS
(4) it is supported by @BoardofDeputies @marievanderzyl who states "We are not willing to stand aside and do nothing as millions of people are herded into concentration camps. As people, stigmatised for their ethnicity and religion, are made to do forced labour."
(5) She urges Government to listen to many Conservative MPs who support the amendment. "It's not too late to act. Together we can make the Chinese Government very much aware that should they continue in this way, there will be international consequences.” 
(6) it is also supported by @MuslimCouncil who believe that 'this amendment is a positive instrument in ensuring a trade policy that upholdsHuman Rights andwe urge you to support this amendment' 
(7) former Supreme Court Justice, Lord Hope of Craighead is supporting the Amendment. "By attaching this amendment to the Trade Bill, it will be ensured that there will be no lucrative trade deals for perpetrators of genocide," he said.
(8) @MichaelPolakLaw director of @L4UR_UK , explains the Amendment would also allow UK courts to determine whether genocide is taking place obviating the need to rely on the UNSC currently ham strung by Russia + China exercising vetos to curb investigation+prevention of genocide.
(9) "This Amendment is of great importance as the UK prepares to set out its path and values internationally following its departure from the EU," he says "The passing of this Amendment will send a strong message to the world about the type of country we are + what we stand for."
(10) please write to Conservatives MPs to let them know that this is important to you. This opportunity should not be missed!
You can follow @L4UR_UK.
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