I’ve been wondering how Israel has procured such high vaccine quantities. In Ireland, with adequate supply we can vaccinate quickly. Our 2020 flu vaccination program proves that, with well over a million doses given in 2/3 months, and without the urgency required for covid. 1/10
But how have Israel received enough vaccine doses to have vaccinated over 26% of their population today? They vastly have outperformed every other nation with respect to procurement (and resultant vaccine doses given). 2/10
It’s predominantly Pfizer vaccine being administered. I hadnt seen any reporting on why they are receiving preferential allocation above other nations so I looked it up. I can’t see it widely reported, so did a bit of digging. 3/10
On first glance it’s inequitable. On social media and in news there is a lot of finger pointing and questioning along the lines of “why can’t we be as quick or efficient at administering vaccines as them?”. A natural tendency to blame leaders/providers/health systems ensues. 4/10
But hopefully there’s more to it than that. It seems that Israel has been chosen as a case study by Pfizer and WHO. The nation has agreed to share demographic and medical data in exchange for 400-700k doses per week. Smart political move. 6/10 https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-coronavirus-vaccine-success-secret/
Israel positioned itself to complete mass vaccination quickly by winning this “contract” (for want of a better word) from Pfizer. Possibly aided by a willingness to pay more, but also with an excellent screening program, health service & population size for such a study. 7/10
Naysayers and begrudgers may complain that their country leaders didn’t achieve similar. But we are in the midst of a worldwide race to vaccinate in all nations. In order for us to understand the effects of vaccination on case rates and outcomes, we need national data. 8/10
Thankfully there are benefits to Israel leading the charge. We now know from data released from israel this week that asymptomatic carriage is reduced after vaccination. This is HUGE. Hugging our parents and seeing friends has moved a step closer. 9/10 https://www.israel21c.org/israeli-hmos-pfizer-vaccine-immunity-best-after-14-days/
More population data will emerge in the coming days and weeks. Early studies on immunity, timelines and side effects will help us shape our own vaccination program, and, most importantly, signpost when we can meet, embrace, travel and resume normal life again. 10/10
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