Thanks, Sheena. A few initial thoughts from the complaint (indictment expected to follow). To be clear, Chen is not accused of transmitting classified information. The charges are based on failing to disclose relationships and foreign funding (located abroad & transmissions). 1/6
This strikes me as classic general deterrence: use Chen as an example to warn others who have engagement w/ PRC-based entities, especially through talent programs (good old 杀鸡儆猴). More on deterrence justification here (final version coming soon): 2/6
This warning is clear in footnote 4: "While participation in a PRC Talent Program is not in and of itself illegal, the failure to disclose an affiliation with a PRC Talent Program in an application for federal grant funding may, as discussed below, violate one or more laws." 3/6
A challenge for the Biden admin is to support the open science model that is critical to the US as a source for innovation while protecting nat'l security. Having the science adviser elevated to a cabinet-level position is a promising place to start. 5/6
Universities should review, & likely increase, training to alert employees of reporting (grant & tax) requirements. While understandably unwilling to advise individuals on liability, they can at least provide a checklist and encourage outside counsel. Stakes are VERY high. 6/6
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