THE MONEY RULES: Must read for every FI aspirant

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1. Wealth Building is a skill

Wealth building is a skillset that anyone can develop

~ @naval
More you practice it, better you get at it.

A person who practiced it 10,000 times would be better than a person 10 times.

You cannot learn it from outside. You need to get your hand dirty.
2. Don't be a hater of Money

The more you hate money, more it eludes you.

Your monologue:
"Rich People are bad"
"Money is evil"
"I don't want to be dirty being wealthy"

Now, no wonder money will elude you.
3. Money chasers never make money

Create value for others, Attract money.

Money hates desperate needy people.

People trying to chase it for selfish reasons never make it.
4. Money loves Risk-Takers

Make bolder moves, Take risks.

Risk-takers attract money.

When you play safe, You will never build wealth.

You cannot learn sailing by staying at the shore, Get into the sea to learn it.
5. Put Money to Work

Money likes to be moved.

It doesn't like to be bored.

If you won't put money to work, it will naturally get transferred to someone who would make better use of it.
6. Always have a secret crises account

Keep a secret account about which no one knows in world except you.

You mom, dad, husband, wife, gf, bf,

No One!

When your everything gets lost, No hope of survival,

Only then use this account like in COVID Pandemic
When markets crashed in Mid-March 2020,

Those who invested then is now sitting at 2x-3x of their accounts in less than a year.

People need money in crises to survive. People sell their assets 1/2 of the prices.

When crises happen, make better use of your money
8. Study smart people

Study the smart people who made big fortunes in your field.

Study everything you find about them.

This way, you enter their mind.

You get to know their principles and mindset, how they had achieved it.

Ultimately, creating the map for yourself.
9. Play your Game, Don't Compare

Why you are comparing yourself with a billionaire's wealth?

You both have different goals and different pathways.

Just make sure to play your game.

I am more concerned about beating my deadlines than trying to beat others.
10. Befriend money makers

If you are around people that know how to make money, you are going to make money.

"You are the average of five people you spend time with"

As @naval says it:
Thanks for reading.

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