unrelated but i meant to say his for a long time. sometimes i happen to see comments saying that people should take their translations from "the most unbiased translators"/bashing towards different translators 'cause they translated something differently compared to someone else.
at first, i understood the first comment as a fair suggestion, but when i actually started getting deeper into thai language i realized that it's... well, basically utopia. in translating any language, unbiased is a standard hard to reach, but it's
especially so when you take thai and try to translate it into eng. why? because thai doesn't require to be as grammatically specific as english does for its sentences to be perfectly correct. thai often doesn't require subjects, verb tenses, objects... words can have double or
even more meanings, and there is no grammatical, unbiased way to understand what any of it means. when you translate a sentence without a subject from thai to english, a language that ALWAYS requires a subject to make sense, do you know what a translator does? they interpret it.
they study the context in which that sentence was used and based on their understanding, they put the subject they think fits the most in their trans. do you get where i'm going with this? unbiased is impossible because translations from thai to english require understanding of
the context. different translators, with different information, sometimes interpret the context differently, and that can cause a difference in the final translations. a different translation doesn't mean a wrong translation. it means the context was interpreted differently,
and there is no one but the people who used the sentence in the first place that could say with certanty "i meant it this way" or "i meant it that way". sometimes i see fans get hung up on the wording of answers mg give and and i'm here to please ask you to keep an open mind
because translators have to think it through so much to word things in english so that they can make sense. thai simply requires half the information english requires to make a sentence and things that need to be explicit in english are completely vague in thai, so to make that
info explicit, a translator will put their own opinion in the translation. it's unavoidable. so yeah, it's possible that a mgfpg translator will translate ambiguos sentences in a way different from a solo stan. does that make any of their interpretations wrong? no. check 'em both
out. know that both translations are possible. it's your choice to decide what you want to believe, but don't bash translators for "creating drama". a translator is a person. everybody interprets the context based on their own understanding of it, some people will
have better understanding than others, but since some things have no definite answers, there is also no definite, correct translation. learn that from thai to english it can't always be straightforward. be open to possibilities and you'll see a bigger picture.

thank you ❤️
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