Now COVID cases in India around 15K/day, it's interesting how @BBCWorld has done misleading , false reporting on COVID in India throughout the pandemic. BBC correspondents @NicolaCareem @yogital and others owe apology to India, if they have slightest integrity
Look at this infamous interview of Ramanan Laxminarayan by @NicolaCareem , in which he predicted 300 million cases, 5 million hospitalization and 100,000 ICU by July 2020
Then she questioned lower death rate in India and even claimed victory of UK over COVID. She called India as epicentre of epidemic
Her colleague @yogital even created fake narrative of unreported deaths in Mumbai
. @yogital become so restless while listening to PM's speech that she started counting seconds on her stop watch
And finally a masterstroke by @shashidigital of @prasarbharati on reporting of @BBCWorld on Delhi riots
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