Also like, some of you non-Blacks are edging into anti-Blackness placing a structural and colonial problem on two queer Black women... you have to realise there is more to this conversation.
We can critique and analyse without being anti-Black. We have to realise that class and America’s dollar (& power + imperialism + history + slavery) plays into all of this.
But that queer friendly part... or the part about luxury... or the part about COVID restrictions... now that is a whole mess
Any country who’s government heavily rely on tourism, inherently impact Indigenous people but also gentrifies places that Indigenous people call home as well. That’s also a very important point
I think we have to realise that government and the people are seperate as well. Do not place blame on the people, for the actions of the government. Especially if the people have proactively spoken about the injustices and violence that their government has enacted
Also to make clear, those women shouldn’t have said what they said, nor should they have given advice on how to avoid/get around COVID restrictions. They shouldn’t have done that. Nor is it okay to promote going to Bali and contributing to gentrification
Or glossing over like the violence they enact on Black Indigenous people. Also the privilege of being foreign and stating a place is queer friendly whilst queer people there have suffered. Additionally, there is a absolute problem claiming luxury in a space that is experiencing
Colonisation via tourism and gentrification but also being governed by a government that slaughters Black Natives all the time, being colonisers themselves, is a whole complex conversation. But my stance is dont RT that rubbish thread
And to make this tweet clearer. We can critique their individual actions and the words they’ve shared, however they are not the first nor last tourist/foreigner who has profited on gentrifying and taking up space on Bali.
Again there is more to this conversation and it’s connected to American Imperialism, Class and literally everything I stated before.
Also like... let’s stop contributing to colonisation. Stop participating in holding up structural powers
And to further my point, Black folks can contribute to this and play a part in upholding these structures that murder Black folks in West Papua, but do refrain from blaming Black folks collectively or these two as the sole perpetrators to this violence. And having an American
Passport saves you overseas from certain violences that everyone else experiences. Black folks are not the only people going to Bali. White Australians LOVE Bali. Have the same energy for them too.
Anyways this is complex and I keep thinking too much but what they’ve done is harmful and will cause further harm for Indigenous people but specifically Black folks from West Papua
Also, let me state clearly that Indonesians have every right to criticise those girls. They’ve provided valid criticisms and concerns and to brush over that isn’t okay.
Also I hate how I worded this sisnalao cause it seems dismissive of the fact they can contribute to upholding these structures but I do hope the previous tweets were better at explaining this tweet. I think the homophobia and anti-Blackness they’ve copped isn’t okay
But to use their identities as a safe guard to say they cannot contribute to displacing Indonesians, to West Papua, to capitalism to gentrification and colonial structures is false. They can.
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