Lots of chat about the local/PCC/mayoral/devolved elections on 6 May (my birthday, thanks for asking). I’ve been the agent to around 600 candidates over the years at every level of election, and thought I’d give my take in the context of C19/lack of commentary #thread
1- Getting candidates nominated. In March, candidates will be given nomination forms to fill out and a deadline. Local govt require 10 signatures. There are 5k vacancies. So assume 3 parties stand, that’s 150k signatures/close contact in March. Will we be able to do this safely?
2- nominations cont. PCC/Mayoral require 100 signatures per candidate! In the current restrictions it is literally illegal to get nominated right now given the close contact required.
3-Campaigning. Traditionally political parties will be bothering your doors ahead of the ‘regulated period’ of the election (assessed this to be 28 March when legal period starts). Will this be possible? See PPER Act 2000
4-Legislation. Every election is a carbon copy of the RPA 1983. Is this primary legislation fit for purpose in a C19 world? Will Parliament need to spend time legislating further for this election? What’s the impact on our democracy and do they have the time?
5- polling stations. Many of which will be schools. Any discussion about the logistics need to be in tandem with what’s happening with our children’s education. Will parents/teachers be happy to lose even more precious time to close their school for this set of elections?
6- polling stations continued. Much work will need to be done to make them Covid secure. It will inevitably take longer to vote. Is 7am-10pm long enough time to vote? What is the impact on public liability insurance for venues? Who will pay for cleaning pre and post election?
7- staff. 1000s of local Govt staff run elections. They are not currently on the government’s list of priority for vaccinations, that at best, will be complete by June. They will come into contact with millions of people on one day.
8- the count. Anyone that’s been to a count will know and enjoy the buzz and chaos. Think a really geeky nightclub. Lots of people jostling. Making this Covid secure and legal (see previous tweet about legislation) will be a challenge.
9- postal voting. Well why can’t this be a postal ballot? I’ve thought this too. But Royal Mail is creaking. Will they cope? Also, the verification process takes time (it’s brilliant and very secure BTW) checking signatures and dates of birth. Registration will be a huge effort
10- democracy. These elections have been delayed already for a year. 2 years in some places (my own patch). Can we stomach yet more delay?
11- just some musings of a political agent... there’s so much to say, and not enough twitter. My assessment: it’s highly unlikely this election will happen (see probability yardstick for details) and we simply need a decision. Let’s get vaccinated first, election second (Sept?)
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