Random reminder, not intended to tie into any of the frankly too many things upsetting various people tonight:

Dealing with harassment and bigotry is not a competition. There are no tier lists. The concept of having an "oppression score" you can compare against others is literal
nazi propaganda circulated to try and instigate infighting between various marginalized groups, and even when two people are being harassed for the same reasons, by the same people, the specific forms those attacks take and how effective they are against those targets can vary
wildly. Working out "who has it the worst" is both impossible to work out in at least the vast majority of contexts in which you might be inclined to try, and an utterly unproductive thing to attempt in the first place.

Additionally, no amount of dealing with bigotry makes one
unable to perpetrate it themselves. This applies omnidirectionally. People of color can be homophobic. Gay people can be antisemitic, Jewish people can be aphobic, etc. etc. but it's also entirely for say, trans women to bring down massive transmisogynistic attacks on other trans
women and even people who advocate against various forms of bigotry for a living can and frequently do display it themselves.

The whole concept of intersectionality is coming to an understanding that whatever horrible garbage life throws at you is not the only nor the worst such
being thrown around, and the best path towards having life stop throwing horrible garbage at you (or at least throw less of it) is for everyone to get together in good faith, compare notes, catalog all the various sorts of garbage and work both on not accidentally throwing any at
each other and also identifying the people who are clearly throwing it at people on purpose and showing solidarity in getting all of them to stop.

This nearly always requires that everyone swallow some pride, take a good honest look at their words and actions and the impact they
have on others, regardless of their intent. This also frequently requires confronting people you like and consider to be on your side and have very serious talks about what they're doing that is not OK.

This also almost never involves doing any of the thing that users of this
here website do in response to anything that upsets them. For real, just being on here is constant indoctrination in how to be a terribly abusive person fueled by an unearned sense of self-righteousness and I guarantee it's had much more of an effect on you than you realize.
So... generally chill out, making exceptions to hold to account people who respect you enough to respond thoughtfully, help people as much as you can, and just generally speaking, you know,
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