Wealth Versus Rich. (thread) @PinkySithole17

What comes to your mind when you think about someone who is rich? I presume a lot of you are leaning towards, money, fancy cars, fancy houses & clothes etc. Rich people acquire their riches in a number of ways, ---- inheritance
Lotto wins, business idea or through a career. One might be thinking, well some of these just might be other ideals/indicators of wealth. To some degree perhaps. However the key difference in wealth and Rich is the duration. How long do you keep your inheritance to sustain you
a lifetime? Does it also make you more money, will future generations also benefit from it and continue to do so? A wealthy person will ALWAYS be wealthy. Their wealth is sustainable. A rich person will be rich for some time. We've all seen it. Celebrities, entrepreneurs just to
mention a few. Who comes to your mind when you think about wealth. Yep... You are absolutely correct. I might not agree with some of their methods to wealth but they are wealthy. The Rothschilds, The Rockefellers. Even if they could lose 30% of their wealth today, they would not
Change their lifestyle because wealthy people Always make back their loses in a short space of time. How do they do that? Through knowledge. The value in knowing how to make money. Amongst us we have people who are knowledgeable and know how to make money. Yes they might not be
As wealty. But they attain All the necessary attributes to that. You might be surprised. Wisdom and knowledge can create wealth.

"those who do not remember the past are bound to repeat it" one of my favorite quotes. I firs heard this from a former Prime Minister of Lesotho
Mr Pakalitha Mosisili. This in no way indicates my love for him by the way. This quote resonates with me simply because many of us want wealth. We have the knowledge, we seem to lack the wisdom to make money that sustains our lifestyles. We show off. We think we have money.
That's a topic for another day. Are you aware we tweet amongst millionaires? We interact with them. They know their goal. They have 6-7 streams of income. They are ordinary people like you and myself. They don't earn millions but they have acquired them through knowledge. That
For me is BOSS. It shows that it takes time and effort to formulate a strategy and run with it. That's who I want in my corner. That's who I want to engage with. I propably will never have minute with Gates or A Rothschild but I do have Friends here who are more knowledgeable
In various different spheres.. Property, tax, stocks, literature etc the list is endless. I value what they bring and perhaps if we could all attain such knowledge, we'd be able to differentiate between rich and wealth. As the saying goes - Knowledge is Wealth....
Or is it Wealth is knowledge? I can't remember. You choose.. 😆
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