The term 'Game Development Magic' is used quite a bit. I'm coming up on 20 years in games I still have as much enthusiasm and excitement as ever because the Game Dev process is very magical. I think Game Dev magic absolutely exists and here's a few example of what I think it is:
When a new prototype provides a buzz through the team. When an exciting new prototype succeeds, its potential drives conversation and creates excitement as to what the discovery means. Feeling inspired, others build on it further. Where do ideas come from? Sometimes right here.
The process of a blockout becoming art is a fabulous magic trick of transformation. As a space receives lighting, materials, sculpts, and details, we watch as the functional become the fantastic. As grey blocks turn into literal art, there is a wow moment that never gets old.
Good relationships can be an intangible force multiplier. When collaborators trust each other we waste less time and execute effectively. But good partnerships are formed organically - An unreliable magic trick based entirely on human connection. When it clicks, that's the magic
When we think of game dev magic, it is often tied to periods of highly effective progress. It is the successful times where many arts are coming together quickly and results can be viewed easily. Put simply, sometimes game dev magic is just high productivity.
Similarly, game dev magic is often tied to periods of high quality. All Arts are magical when executed with expertise. Sound, Animation, Acting, Visual Design. Game dev magic reflects those periods of development where a lot of high quality content is created with great execution
Filling the task Database can also be a magic moment. Game Production is a patient skill given that, for much of the project, the tasks will be a growing/shrinking beast. Then, a quorum is reached, and it all exists in a database. Clarity is achieved. Priorities can be made.
Overcoming technical hurdles can feel like game dev magic because complicated problems are not solved on a reliable curve. Some take longer, others shorter. A complex problem is solved, and the solution was "I needed to take a break". It's human 🤷‍♂️
Finally, When we give players an interactive experience, they sometimes find totally unexpected ways to play. Games are one of the few art forms that embrace systematic results. The creation of a new mode, a new way to play, or a way to express oneself is surprising and exciting.
Those are some examples of what I think about when I hear the term Game Dev Magic.
How do these moments happen? Why are they so fond in our minds?
Perhaps game dev magic occurs more from good culture. It lives somewhere productivity, trust and ability.
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