It gets odder the more you think about it. A national newspaper columnist, in a national newspaper, writes that, not only does he (in some rather convolute way) blame Corbyn for his heart attack, but that a Corbyn government would have required him to 'hide in an attic'.
The first is simple magical thinking - Corbyn becomes a folk-devil, a witch who can 'curse' you. This might not be remarkable in the 12th Century, but is surely an unusual viewpoint to hold in the 21st. If you're a national columnist in a national newspaper.
The second is odder still - Corbyn would initiate a Holocaust. He would hunt down Jews to kill them, so they had to hide in attics. Whether it's the free prescriptions or the free broadband that would initiate this horror is, alas, unexplained.

Odd, very.
The author of this remarkable screed is an urbane and intelligent man, respected by his colleagues, in a key position in the UK media scene. This is not some ranting conspiracy theorist, but a well rewarded UK journalist.

All a bit odd.
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