As a lifelong wrestling fan that understands the concept of “protecting both stars,” here’s how I would book Godzilla Vs Kong. Have the pair split the first 2 of 3 fights, Godzilla takes bout 1, giving Kong the opportunity to showcase his intelligence by learning from his defeat.
Kong takes the rematch, possibly the aircraft carrier fight, setting up the main event. In true wrestling fashion, the last fight is filled with the heaviest blows yet, but rather than the two settling things once and for all, there’s interference from the revived King Ghidorah.
Godzilla and Kong team up to defeat Ghidorah, and by working together they earn each other’s respect. The film ends with the two going their separate ways without killing one another, saving either monster from having to “do the job.”
It’ll be interesting to see how the actual film does things. There’s practically no chance that either of them gets killed off at the end. Both of them are just too valuable to the “Monsterverse.”
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