Bitcoiners missed out on Ethereum and have been salty AF about it for years. Imagine constantly getting face melt, not just price-wise but also wrt adoption and R&D breakthroughs.

Ethereans: don't repeat the same mistake, be principled in ur criticism of other chains .. /1
The ethos of Ethereum is to build a maximally decentralized, highly cenorship-resistance, fully stateful and programmable settlement layer for the world.

Why would you dismiss another chain that is, say, >=90% in alignment with that ethos? ../2
Ethereum will melt faces regardless, the pie is so fkn huge, your bags will absolutely be fine.

DeFi is amazing, but there is more to life than yield and leverage.

When global commerce starts getting settle on ../3
.. the blockchain (insert joke abt 2017 "lettuce on dah blockchain"), it will dwarf the DeFi.

That's when Eth & co get in the trillions club .. when the sticky fingers of the Middleman get chopped off, and the world's creativity and hard work start capturing ~all value . ../4
And if other chains work towards that same vision and have done the work to prove it, you could at least consider them marketing arms of Ethereum .. they'll help bring more adoption and onboard normie CTOs ../5
On the other hand, Ethereans should TAKE THE GLOVES OFF when it comes to garbage projects who spend all day everyday on twitter spreading misinformation about what they really are under the hood, or about Ethereum, rollups, or other solid projects putting in genuine work ../6
These projects somehow scored massive (dumb) capital & they're using it to engineer an epic exit for themselves & their backers.

Focus on these parasites, they slow the whole ecosystem down.

Can't miss them, their design is antithetical to everything Ethereum stands for .. /fin
Addendum: hey Eth thot leaders, um stop promoting projects built on Ethereum that you know and they know and you know they know is .. garbage. Is twitter engagement really worth your integrity?
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