Since you asked, yes, I will write a thread about the SVD.

The SVD solves the optimization problem in the screenshot (X is nxp).

The k columns of U and V are the 1st k left and right singular vectors of X, and the diagonal elements of D are the 1st k singular values

"Nonnegative matrix factorization" is a bit broad but it is most often used to refer to the optimization problem in this screenshot, which -- as you can see -- is like a distant cousin of the SVD. Sometimes an orthogonality constraint may be placed on the columns of V.

Unlike the SVD, which has a unique solution (up to sign flips of a given left/right singular vector pair), the NNMF isn't guaranteed to be unique (!!!!!??!!) ... see e.g.

The SVD has a lot of magical connections to fundamental ideas in statistics & linear algebra (and I enumerated some of those connections here and I definitely don't mean to throw shade, but NNMF is *not* magical.

Oops... important detail missed ... in the optimization problems above, of course you need to MINIMIZE (w.r.t. U,D,V for the SVD, and w.r.t U,V for the NNMF)

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