1/ Here’s a copy of Rev Rodney Williams’ speech at our strike yesterday. Rev Rodney is the Pres of the #KansasCity chapter of the @NAACP & pastor at Swope Parkway United Christian. Please read his powerful remarks.We thank him & all allies who stood w/ us! #StandUpKC #FightFor15
2/ “On Feb 12, 1968 just over 53 years ago Black Sanitation workers in Memphis came together and started the historical strike.

The Sanitation workers marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King demanding higher wages & fighting for a strong #union.

#StandUpKC #FightFor15 #MLK
3/ All across America today Fast Food workers along with allies and other low wage workers in Missouri and America are out in force to show how we are continuing in the fight for economic justice. #StandUpKC

#FightFor15 #RaiseTheWage #UnionsForALL #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
4/ We are here to remind President-Elect @JoeBiden and Vice President @KamalaHarris that we are counting on them to push for a National living wage of $15 per hour. #StandUpKC #FightFor15 #UnionsForALL #RaiseTheWage #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
5/ As we look across this nation and examine the actions and attitudes of so many I do believe that America is sinking deeper into a moral crisis. #StandUpKC #FightFor15 #BlackLivesMatter #MLK #MLKday #UnionsForALL
6/ And if you know it or not the #FightFor15 movement plays a major role as the moral compass that is changing the hearts and consciousness of this nation. #StandUpKC #UnionsForALL #RaiseTheWage #MLK #MLKday #MLKDay2021
7/ Rather than going backwards we as a movement are determined to keep moving forward & not one step backwards.

#MLK in his book “WHY WE CAN’T WAIT” examines the historical denial, of blacks & the poor people of our society & he said some form of payment must be made #FightFor15
8/ The only way in which payment is going to be made is if we have a mass movement of labor, civil rights and the faith community working together. #StandUpKC #FightFor15 #UnionsForALL #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
9/ You have answered the call from Dr King because you have built a strong multi-racial movement of workers, religious & community leaders.

You have built a movement that’s inclusive of blacks, whites, Latino, First Nations, gay, straight, Muslims, & immigrants. #MLK #FightFor15
10/ This mighty movement is more than fighting for $15 & a #union. This movement is about shifting America’s broken politics to a politics of compassion that will lift people of all races out of poverty. #StandUpKC #FightFor15 #UnionsForALL #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
11/ It’s about a politics of compassion that considers what is best for the whole of the nation not a politics that continues to widen the economic gap between the haves and have-not’s.

This movement is fighting for racial equality and dignity for working people.
12/ We are tired of politicians taking sides with heartless corporations like @McDonalds who earned in the middle of a pandemic $4 Billion in profits and how they will not provide a living wage, they will not provide health care or paid sick leave for their employees. #FightFor15
13/ These corporations call their workers essential but they are treated as if they are expendable.

#StandUpKC #FightFor15 #UnionsForALL #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
14/This movement is going to fight even harder now & we won’t back up until we win. We are going to fight until justice runs down like water & righteousness like a mighty stream.

We will fight until there is no such thing as working poor because workers should never be poor! #MLK
15/ We will fight & not allow racist billionaires to define what America becomes.

We will fight because the enemy can’t defeat us, darkness will not over take us, political powers CAN be overturned and policies WILL be reversed b/c justice will win, truth will conquer and...
16/ our faith will survive.”








#FightFor15 #UnionsForALL #MLK #MLKday #MLKday2021
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