Saying Indigenous people were "conquered" or to "get over it" like it's ever okay to tell people who were put thru genocide anything like that.
Spreading the debunked land bridge theory while claiming Indigenous people were "also immigrants" or "also colonizers" so colonization didn't matter. Its unscientific and based in racism, maybe just listen to our communities about our origins and how long we've been here
Ignoring traditional Indigenous knowledge about nature, astronomy and science, only listening to us once western science confirms it #NativesToldYouSo
Burning, destroying, or privatizing Indigenous art, especially old irreplaceable art. This includes pieces stolen from our communities by museums without our consent
Supporting pipelines shoved thru sovereign Indigenous land against our wishes, destroying our lands a d bringing further violence to our people thru man camps #MMIW
Being against land back or not including Indigenous people in your leftism/activism
Talking about Indigenous people in the past tense like we dont exist anymore, or we're extinct
Claiming Indigenous people are extinct, dont use the internet, or all live in "huts"
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