I will now be referred to as a Naval Academy person because while I wasn’t not accepted I really wanted to go there. You will now and forever thank me for my imagined service. Any thing else is to hate the troops. USA 🇺🇸 (the flag emoji makes it legal).
We have gotten so fake tough guy stupid in this country that we now worship imagined military service. Almost SOF guys ‘storm’ the Capitol. Almost Naval Academy applicants storm congress. Almost adults. From now on I’m an astronaut cuz I wanted to be one but had bad vision.
Let’s change it up so people brag about being a good neighbor. That we accuse people of stolen goodness cuz they’re awful. Help your neighbors today. And then do it again tomorrow. This is the way. Everything else is posturing. Every neighborhood has a Henry. Lots of them. Help.
Stolen valor is disgusting. Stolen decency is way worse. Demand concrete consistent proof of people who say they’re good. Put up on the local level or shut up on the international level.
If you can’t do the former, stop selling the latter.
I’ve completely moved from White Papers that seek to ‘answer’ foreign policy security challenges. One, I’m not smart enough. But, two, I’ve seen enough.
If you can’t change your block for the good, don’t try to change another country. But the entire system says to try. Oh well
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