[A rant] Is it safe to say that the reason why seon gyeom never got first place was not something physical or tangible but the issue lied within himself. #RunOn
Like yes he was motivated to win gold and be first place but no matter how hard he tried he always ended up 2nd.
When woo sik asked him why he ran, he couldn’t even answer. He’s not doing it for the money. He couldn’t even say that he enjoyed it. He just......ran.
Yet when mi joo was waiting for him, he beat his own record effortlessly but when it comes to doing it on the field, it just couldn’t be seen.
Why the discrepancy? It’s not cause it was mi joo. This has me to think that tho yes he loves the sport, it doesn’t put a fire in him.
He thinks more of coaching the next generation than of him actually winning gold or coming on top.
Several times in the beginning, he kept saying he didn’t win first place so why should he get interviews and other things that usually belong to a first place champion.
At first I thought he was bummed about it and I can’t cross out that he might have been. But it wasn’t to the point where he was upset. You’d think after coming 2nd so many times, he’d be frustrated but no he’s not.
He didn’t seem to be that depressed over having to leave or even retiring despite not coming first at least once. He was able to let go almost too easily.
Even if it was to help woo sik, he was reckless and careless about him own career even if his time was soon coming to a close.
This all leads to my conclusion that he just didn’t burn for it like others did cause their motivation wasn’t his. So what was his motivation for running? We still do not know.
What we do know is that he cares more for coaching and helping the next generation (including woo sik) than he does for his own career as a runner.
Maybe somewhere deep within himself, he knew and hence him being 2nd for so long.
But I also think it’s the writer’s intention for him constantly coming 2nd, to show that position isn’t always everything. Seon gyeom whether lacking something or not, gives his best in what he does.
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