[Another Rant] One thing I love is the progressions see with seon gyeom as the drama continues. From the first episode where his facial expressions are often times blank and aloof to now where you see emotions on his face. #RunOn
As he stated before, he didn’t care about the consequences that impacted him despite it being his life and you can see an example of that with his facial expressions. It’s not that he didn’t feel emotions it was that he didn’t care enough to express them
Better yet, he didn’t have someone in his life where he could express his emotions to. Not that there wasn’t ppl around him who didn’t care about him, he just couldn’t see it.
He’s used to being kind to others but rarely was he shown that and if he was, he couldn’t recognize it for what it was then. Seon gyeom is the typical “surrounded by others yet so alone” trope that doesn’t seem to be aware or better yet care.
He grew up like that so that’s his norm for him. He didn’t have someone who genuinely cared about him simply because. That’s why mi joo is so important to him. Her genuine affections and concerns to him wakes him up to realize that he too deserves to be cared about.
That he doesn’t have to do anything to warrant someone to be concerned for him. Mi joo helps him to realize that the energy and effort he gives others without question, is what he needs to do for himself.
Hence his self realization of him wondering of all the things he has loved, why didn’t he love himself. The answer is because no one showed him how to. You can’t wake up deciding to love yourself when you’ve never been exposed to such an thing.
Seon gyeom lived like someone who never mattered. At least not to himself. He put more importance in others than he did in himself. I blame his dad cause his dad molded him to be someone who lived and breathed for his own benefit.
That was his childhood growing up. He was just a tool to be utilized and shelved when needed to be used again. So what self love could he have learned growing up?
That’s why I believe his facial expressions are a representation of how blank he was on the inside. He said in ep 1, that he was rarely startled but that’s not true. He just never had anything in his life to shake up the very foundations that kept him at arms length from others.
So here comes mi joo, the very person to shake him and change his perspective in life and how he even viewed himself. As he became more comfortable with the thought that someone genuinely cared about him, his facial expressions began to soften and change.
Mi joo is special not just because she’s helped and comforted him but also because she was the one who he noticed first. She didn’t chase him like others have (at first) and when she did, her main focus was to understand him.
When they’d have arguments, she’d be angry but never gave up on their connection and at times it was up to her to reach out cause seon gyeom didn’t know how to. Just like he didn’t text her where he was at that night he vanished
Not that he didn’t care to but he never had to. No one was interested or cared enough to know his whereabouts without wanting something from him. Genuine care outside from his sister wasn’t something he could pinpoint.
So it’s nice to see him showing more emotions. It highlights the growth that he’s had as a individual. Seeing him being able to smile and express what he wants is a major step for someone like him.
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