Everything we are hearing and seeing in the news is all optics and the corrupters are in full PANIC in DC. This war is all about implementing the new Republic in order to introduce to the World a new currency that is Gold asset backed and run on the 👇
New Quantum Financial System which replaces the Central Banks and SWIFT. 209 Countries have signed on. (yes I know Google says there are 196 countries but the UN recognizes 251) SOS Mike Pompeo did the Satellite tests Monday via "Voice of America" 👇
to all 209 Countries with over 40 languages translating in real time.
This has never been done before. This was a test to see how many Network channels would cover it and there wasn't one. 👇
They did it again the next day and they know that they can circumvent Big Tech to communicate with the USA and Canada (first priority) and the rest of the world using the new (EAS) Emergency Alert System. 👇
All Lies will be revealed. The outcome will be Glorious.
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