T1) @CMO_England @BorisJohnson @uksciencechief Well it’s unequivocal that the general public are not listened to and quite apparent that The Government doesn’t take action on specialist advice from their advisors. I recognise & am painfully aware that there are anti mask wearers’
T2) and large gatherings that have or had taken place and I condemn that behaviour, completely. We all saw the pictures during the summer and people mixing outside, some unnecessary protests where people got injured-perhaps even caught covid-I’m sure people did! My point is ...
T3) you can’t point the finger solely at the general public,not after your own horrendous attempts to balance life & the economy.The Gov allowed the following during the first wave
Mistake: ‘Eat out to help out’
Reason I don’t know of any chains that filter air from
T4) T4) from their air-conditioning units. If sat outside and socially distanced, that’s acceptable BUT did no one learn from the cruise ships that reused air was responsible for the spread.I don’t know any restaurant chains who filter their air inside - do you? ...
Mistake: The Gov still allowed flights in & out of the country, for summer holidays - why!?
Reasoning: This should only had been extended to people who were:
*a returning citizen either way - proof required
* & tested AND isolate either...
T6 side.
* Have family abroad & repeated above steps - proof required
* There should have extended this monitoring on trains, as people jumped aboard destined for Sweden where rules were more relaxed.
So if no actual need to travel -it shouldn’t have been permitted
Mistake: Giving people TOO much notice to those!’ holidaying’ abroad ;that they needed to quarantine after a certain date! What a ridiculous move
Reasoning: If people were moronic enough to go abroad during a global pandemic-then they should’ve took it on the chin &
T8) quarantined, regardless.
But seeing people gloat, mainly celebrities that they managed to beat the system and get an earlier flight - hmmm Piers Morgan (one of your biggest critics) because it was essential for him to get home & violate our earholes further more...
T9) That should’ve been a set requirement for anyone going abroad? The price you pay for just that ‘must have getaway’ - planes have 10-50% clean air which is pushed out approx every 3-4 mins the remainder is bled from the compressor sections of the engines & filtered,but maskS &
T10) hygiene, toilet, arm tears etc still pose a threat & therefore why it’s important to socially distance up in the air. It’s not necessarily the plane it’s the people on it and where they’ve been!
Mistake: Overlooking that corona virus will morph/mutate and do anything to survive.
Reasoning: okay, it’s not got a brain; but viruses all have one thing in common and that is to survive - surely this is common knowledge? I think that schools play a massive part in the
T12) spread. People can poo poo this all they like, but a coincidence it is not. Let’s take London & Surrey as an example. Not even going to bang on about the fact that there is not sufficient ventilation in school, no filtered air, stuffy, germ factories , no
T13) social distancing and NOT the schools fault, footfall, aerosol spread (as lessons don’t last 5 minutes). Then we have the rule of six - absolutely stupid, kids mix in a class of approx 40 and then allowed to mix with the whole year some 250+ students- without masks!!
T14) sorry I said I wouldn’t bang on about it, but WOW that’s a whole new level of stupid. So, I was saying, children may be more immune to the virus but the virus has learnt that it needs to survive, mummy, Daddy, Auntie, Uncle (some of which already in high risk category) wait
T15)or even collect their child from secondary school as they don’t want them mixing on buses (we were told that remember) and again secondary schools can have children coming from 4/5 different boroughs & some have siblings in primary school. First told kids were super spreaders
T16) then they weren’t,then were, then weren’t. So could the drastic change in transmission be responsible for children being able not only being able to catch it, pass it on to their love ones at home, but the reason for the change? I don’t know-possibly? One thing I know it was
T17) definitely the reason why children were becoming ill from ages 11 +
That can not be blamed on the children that is the Governments slow response.
Mistake: reopening of pubs
Reasoning: I have no idea why this was ever considered, yes I understand the economy & business, but
T18) what do people usually do when they get drunk, the likelihood of them tipsy quicker was probably due to the fact that they had until 9:59pm to down the last dregs. If you’re feeling the jolly effects of alcohol, you may start cuddling friends, walking too near to people- oh
T19) wait!! 9:59pm? So literally everyone pouring out onto the streets, some inebriated, forgot their mask, cramming onto public transport . What were you thinking?
Mistake: Lateral flow tests at school, inside.
Reasoning we’ve already established it doesn’t matter how far you
T20) away from each other within new variant - my daughters school was the first to pilot mass testing & carried out by professionals. They may have been protected - not our children. You wear a mask into a hall, stand 2 metres apart (pointless by now) as its spread through
T21) talking - aerosol transmission. You only have to walk into the fine mist and inhale. So why we lined up our cherubs to do this, the person in front may have been asymptomatic, the person behind removes their mask, opens their throat cavities, nasal passage & BAM - may have
T22) been infected - probable as there is such thing as viral load, and this fine mist lingers in the air & the frightful swan travels straight into the trusting child’s throat/nose. No wonder cases rose?! Again stupid idea. We also know lateral flow tests can be wrong & at that
T23) particular time they may not have been infectious but a second, minute, hour later they could be.
You simply can’t do these tests at school.They need to be done at home,if you’re intending it to work or set it up outside,where there is less risk. It’s not been thought out.
T24) I mean yes ultimately the behaviour of the general population is a massive factor, the majority of which are doing their part,bringing in fines - perfect idea,because nothing speaks louder to some, than money.That person is not me,I care about life & it ending unnecessarily
T24) which leads me onto a personal experience. Having been so careful, my whole family, no mixing, my daughter at 12 taking it upon herself to wear a mask in class, corridors & only taking it off to eat and exercise at school. Who took her own sanitiser every day and religiously
T26) applying anti-bac, me collect her from school, sectioning off one room, unpacking her books, bag spraying dettol spray in the air, removing her school clothes and shoes as soon as she got in, washing our shopping, minimising the time we went anywhere & wearing a mask, going
T27) to the extent of taking spare masks, putting our used masks in doggie bags, then used /reused after a week of being near a window and sprayed-to avoid plastic waste & of course washing the mask immediately. All that time, protecting my mum with COPD; my daughter & I with
T28) underlying health issues. Never letting our guard down not for one second like millions of others.
For my mother to fall ill with diverticulitis, need hospitalisation, I knew, I just knew she would contract it. When she was maybe a month from having a vaccine...can you
T29) even imagine what it feels like?
Mistake: Hospitals were always understaffed, you hoped for the best but didn’t prepare for the worst.
Reasoning: All ages are becoming ill, there is now no set rule whether you become mildly ill or critically ill. Testing someone when they
T30) when they enter hospital is a great idea, but why are you placing non covid patients with covid patients - you think that a more potent strain isn’t going to travel from one end of a ward to another? That viral load doesn’t exist, that assigning nurses who’ve tested negative
T31) one day are going to be okay to treat non covid patients without another test being performed. Do you honestly think Doctors and Surgeons haven’t been and inspected other patients who may be asymptomatic at that time. The truth is that there is no ward that doesn’t have
T32) is covid free, one toilet, maybe two, my mum was careful she wore a mask with copd took her own sanitizer but she still caught it in hospital. Don’t just test care home residents on exit, test everyone, because failure to do so has meant that she’s given it to my sister
T33) my step father who is currently undergoing radiotherapy for cancer, you can’t give assurances to people that sections of hospital wards are safe- they are not! Now my step father has passed it onto his daughter, who has a daughter who has a rare blood disease and auto immune
T34) what about all the other potential cancer patients and physicians my step father has been in contact with?
Do an exit test for everyone, change the structure, level one, COVID, level 2 COVID and other illness, level 3 non covid. Use the same rota nurses that have tested
T35) negative to treat patients who haven’t got covid. Or where it’s bad in London use one/two:three hospitals where covid patients are transferred so you have covid hospitals and non covid hospitals. Mixing sections of wards is dangerous, covid is ubiquitous, different measures
T36) need to be taken. You’re right about one thing though, now is not the time to become complacent, but what I think the genera population is looking for is a bit of support, it’s not all the fault of us, I believe the majority are doing as they’re told, it’s EVERYONE’s
T37) responsibility to minimise the risk. Now my family and millions of others have done theirs. Knowing my mum was frightened and being asked to sign a DNR when arriving in a ward and testing negative just the day before is repugnant. No wonder people are scared & dying at home.
T38) the bottom line is-Government need to act faster, life above all else is more important & the quality of life.
I think if the Gov owned up & said ‘we should’ve listened’ then people might start respecting.
We’re thankful to the NHS but the GP is not the only issue.
T39) I think you should be really honest about the vaccine, that it doesn’t have massive benefits until the booster is administered. I think that the public deserve to hear that vaccination will help but this virus is not going & even when the majority are vaccinated we will
T40) need to be diligent, we will still need to wear masks for the foreseeable future and that will be then the new normal,because no one really knows how effective vaccines will be, it’s too early to tell? Transparency that’s what the nation needs, no room for ambiguity.
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