I know folks who believe strongly in Q & believe God is "using Trump to overthrow the 'ruling Illuminati elite' & it's their Christian duty to support him." Some think vaccine is the Mark of the Beast. Years of FOX brainwashing, wrapping lies in Bible verses and 🇺🇸 got us here.1/ https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1350600127594045441
I believe we need to consult cult deprogramming experts to provide a blueprint to gently bring those deluded back into the realm of reality, and those at FOX responsible for spreading obvious lies should be shunned and brought to justice. 2/
Those with malevolent intent who used FOX & other media for nefarious purposes? Their justice will find them. But the deluded, fearful elderly who blindly believe the "patriotic" TV news? The ones who didn't storm Capitol, don't know any facts re: what happened, but still... 3/
...somehow think Trump was a good, smart, Christian leader, despite all evidence to the contrary? How do we bring previously "normal" Aunt Tillie who got suckered into Trump cult back into fold of rational thinking? It will require experts. We should be thinking about this. 4/4
PS: It's the saddest thing imaginable to see smart ppl you love blindly believe info that's easily debunked w/facts & science, just because they saw it on FOX coupled w/ biblical or patriotic themes. It's sacrilege. I sincerely hope for a path for unity when & if they wake up. #
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